Item Data
- Viewing Log: 00:24 dowsing, possibly to site a well for Ruth's cabin
01:23 lumberyard, possibly related to choosing boards for Ruth's cabin
02:46 Mabel Griffin or Ruth Storm's mother Elizabeth P. Storm (confusion is that Mimi Colwell called her Nellie but Ruth's mother's name was elizabeth storm so lizzie makes more sense. Ah, Nellie was Chennie's mother's short name.
02:55 Tunk Lake
03:10 Louise Z. Young on the left, Ruth Storm's mother on right
03:53 Suzie Thompson grooming dogs
04:19 Louise Z. Young on left, Suzie Thompson on right
04:49 Marsden Hartley [tell story of Louise driving Marsden around?]: Marsden Hartley spent his the last summers boarding with Louise Young's parents. Early on Louise took an iconic passport photo of him, and she used to chauffeur him to scenic vistas where he'd gaze for a long time before returning to the Young's chicken coop to paint in seclusion.
05:09 Northeast Airlines. Bangor airport, per John Lord.
06:39 Chenoweth Hall on left, Miriam Colwell on her right. History of that place in Trenton, Maine?
07:27 fill in the woman in blue's name, Dora Gage per Mimi, possible name of officer? John Lord thought the officer may have been Dick Shaw or Allen who lived at the Sands. Became county sheriff. per John Lord
09:36 Ruth Storm in plaid scarf & beret. She says, "You're beautiful," to the deer.
09:56 It's Mimi & Chennie's dog. Give name?