Item Data
- Viewing Log: Basket ball game at Marycliff Academy. Basketball players in pinneys. Cheerleaders. Sumner taught physical education there in the 1960s. She herself appears as a skirted referee.
At home with Debbie and several South Shore Esquirettes. Faith Newcomb demonstrates self-defense moves.
Theater marquee featuring "The Keyboard Artistry of Mary Fran." Golf course sign. Pan of a town, mountains in the distance.
Overexposed & underexposed section. Picks up again around 4:10 with shot of Coast Guard ship, followed by greenery and very dark section. At about 5:27, footage of round pool with mothers & children in it. Backyard sequence, lawn chairs, outside cedar shake house. Back to pool. Over & underexposed stretch of footage. Children & grandmothers playball. Debbie in blue skirt in front of tv, showing pink patches on sleeves, petting cat. Another xmas. Debbie in red shorts. Kids play in pool. Debbie in blue skirt & red suspenders, displays her hands, pets cat. Debbie in snow. Igloo. New sequence, Debbie in striped brown dress playing with yo yo. Another Christmas scene. Debbie plays hard to get as Loraine tries to get her into a car. Debbie descends the steps of mobile home in red coat and spring bonnet. Walks around swinging purse.
Inside house, Christmas. Debbie opens package. It's a steering wheel. Doll in high chair. Debbie pets cat. Cat plays with electric cord. Debbie outside barefoot in swim suit. Debbie comes down steps in plaid dress. Debbie in a blue dress playing with dog. More sequences of playing with dog. Debbie on a horse at Tower Day Camp. Many more short sequences of Debbie as a child, including a sequence at a petting zoo. Lucky grows up. Loraine & Debbie move from the mobile home to a house in Abington, MA [double chk location with Loraine].